The Gospel for Sunday, May 8 is from Luke 24:13-35 where some disciples of Jesus met Him on the road to Jerusalem but did not recognize Him. They did not realize Jesus was with them until He ate with them and broke bread similar to what He did at the Last Supper. Only then did they realize how foolish they were that they did not recognize Jesus in their presence. Likewise, when we pray the rosary Jesus is in our presence both listening to us and trying to guide us to His kingdom of Heaven. But often we do not recognize Jesus’ presence in our prayers or in our lives.
This Sunday’s Gospel follows the same theme as last week’s in that it shows that all too often we look for God in our lives in all the wrong places. Last week Thomas the apostle had so little faith he would not recognize Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Jesus face to face. And now in this week’s Gospel two of Jesus’ disciples did not recognize Jesus although they were walking and talking with Him. They did not see Jesus despite the fact that He explained all the scriptures and the teachings of the prophets explaining His death and resurrection. And yet they still did not recognize Him. We too often fail to recognize Jesus in our lives although His truth is all around us.
I touched on this briefly when discussing Doubting Thomas and how we do not always take those telling the truth seriously. In this case I mean the truth of Jesus Christ as taught through the Catholic Church. We hear this truth all the time whether it be during Mass, in the Catechism or Bible, Papal decrees, or simply the Church’s traditions that have been practiced for centuries. We hear them and yet we so often do not follow them because we do not think of them as Jesus’ teachings. We hear them as the thoughts and opinions of fellow humans much like the disciples in the Gospel thought that Jesus was just some normal traveler. And so we do not give the Church’s teachings the consideration they deserve and go about living counter to its teachings. Would you argue about abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, contraception, and human cloning if you stood face to face with Jesus? Probably not. So why do we so readily argue with His Church and disobey His teachings? Are we like the disciples in the Gospel who discovered how foolish they were for not recognizing Jesus in their presence?
We should remember this Gospel reading when we pray the Third Luminous Mystery of the rosary and remember Jesus’ proclamation of Heaven and His call to conversion. Really meditate this week on the areas in your life where you do not hear Jesus through the Church’s teachings and challenge yourself to learn what Jesus is trying to tell you through His Church. You will probably not be converted in some of your beliefs overnight. But just researching what the Church really believes and teaches and humbling yourself to the possibility that there might be areas of your life where you have not let the Holy Spirit guide you is a huge step in the right direction. There is no doubt that questioning your deeply held beliefs is hard especially if Jesus leads you in a direction that runs counter to popular opinion. But the Third Luminous Mystery points out that we need to choose whether to live for God’s kingdom or our earthly kingdom. Do you see that Jesus walks beside you every day and is trying to lead you down the right path or are you too wrapped up in living solely for what this world has to offer?
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