With all the upheaval and uncertainty in this world — riots in England, financial markets slowing down, jobs disappearing, etc., maybe it is time to get back to basics and focus on what’s really important. Monday, 8/15/11, was the feast of the Assumption which we pray in the Fourth Glorious Mystery of the rosary. In my meditation on that mystery, I talk about how Mary is our spiritual guide and offers us five easy habits we can use to get back in touch with God’s awesome grace. I call them the 5 R’s — Recite (prayers), Read (the bible), Refrain (from indulgent eating), Repent (from your sins), and Receive (the Eucharist). We should all take a little time out from all the worries of this world and focus on what is really important. We should also pray particularly for all those who do not seem to have a spiritual compass and live in a world without hope or joy of something permanent such as God’s love. We pray that they find the strength to orient themselves towards God’s truth and live in His grace.
Related articles
- Special Miracle In My Town On Feast Of The Assumption (loyaltothemagisterium.wordpress.com)
- The Dormition (vatopaidi.wordpress.com)
- Your Body is Holy and Glorious: (deaconjohn1987.wordpress.com)