Today’s rosary meditation is the Fifth Glorious Mystery — The Coronation of Mary. In this decade we see Mary awarded the honor of Queen of Heaven for having wholeheartedly accepted God‘s call. This is Her rightful place for having faith in God’s plan in The Annunciation, spreading God’s joy in The Visitation, giving birth to Jesus, King of the World, and ultimately accepting the sorrow of His crucifixion and death. Mary is now in Heaven and amplifies and purifies our prayers and presents our needs to Her son, Jesus Christ. Mary’s coronation gives Her many titles such as the Queen of Peace, Queen of Angels, Queen of Saints, and Queen of the Rosary.
Mary is the Queen of Peace. Like many people, when I think of peace I think of a world without war and conflict. And while that is a lofty goal and something worth praying for, Mary and the saints want us to dig deeper. We cannot have peace in this world with each other unless we have an inner peace with God. She wants us to work towards this internal peace by reconciling our ways with God’s ways. She calls us to align ourselves with the teachings of Jesus Christ as handed to us through the Church. This means putting aside worldly desires of money, power, fame, popularity, and anything else that might distract us from doing God’s will. Mary knows that we cannot have real peace as long as there is conflict in our hearts between our love for Jesus and our love for earthly desires.
Mary is the Queen of Angels. We must remember the angels in our prayers, particularly our guardian angels who protect us. While we may not be aware of it, angels fight against the forces of evil every day to protect our souls from Satan and his minions. Mary understands the precious gift of being in God’s grace and desires all of us to be in communion with Jesus Christ. She directs the angels to fight for us because She does not want anyone to lose the gift of grace, especially for the momentary and trivial pleasures of this world.
Mary is certainly the Queen of the Rosary. The rosary is our way of communicating with God. We pray it remembering all the sorrows, joys, and glories of Jesus Christ. When we pray the Joyful Mysteries we pray for the strength to accept God’s plans for us as Mary did. When we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries we pray for the strength to remain faithful in the face of great suffering. In the Luminous Mysteries we pray for the strength to live according to Jesus’ teachings. And in the Glorious Mysteries we pray for the strength to live for our eventual resurrection and judgment. Mary gives us a great gift in the rosary because we can use it to reflect on all dimensions of our faith. It reminds us to thank God for all He gives us, ask for forgiveness of our sins and shortcomings, and ask Him for strength to live according to His Truth.
Let us pray that we take full advantage of the rosary to reflect and meditate on our faith. May we look to Mary to guide us and help bring us closer to Her son, Jesus Christ.
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Thank you for all your inspiring writings. It is important to pray to Mary, the Queen of Peace and your words help remind us to keep on the right path to that peace.