Message of March 02, 2011
Dear children; My motherly heart suffers tremendously as I look at my children who persistently put what is human before what is of God; at my children who, despite everything that surrounds them and despite all the signs that are sent to them, think that they can walk without my Son. They cannot! They are walking to eternal perdition. That is why I am gathering you, who are ready to open your heart to me, you who are ready to be apostles of my love, to help me; so that by living God’s love you may be an example to those who do not know it. May fasting and prayer give you strength in that and I bless you with motherly blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Thank you.
Mary’s message fits right in with the March 27, 2011 Gospel reading. I discussed how in that reading Jesus contrasts our worldly needs and wants against our spiritual needs. And here Mary tells us how she suffers tremendously when she sees us put our human wants in front of God. None of us want to upset our earthly mothers by behaving badly. Similarly, we don’t want to disappoint our Heavenly mother, Mary, by not living for the kingdom of Heaven. We should remember her words when we pray the Fourth Glorious Mystery of the rosary that Mary is our Heavenly mother who is there to help us find God’s grace. We need to listen to our mother by praying and fasting like she asks.
The Annual Apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo on March 18, 2011
Dear children! I am with you in the name of the greatest Love, in the name of dear God, who has come close to you through my Son and has shown you real love. I desire to lead you on the way of God. I desire to teach you real love so that others may see it in you, that you may see it in others, that you may be a brother to them and that others may see a merciful brother in you. My children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. With motherly love, I will show you what I expect of each of you, what I expect of my apostles. Set out with me. Thank you.
We do not make our faith journey alone. In her message, Mary says that she is with us every step of the way. She has the desire to lead us into God’s graces. We not only have her help, but also the help of the Holy Spirit, angels, saints, and the entire Church. We have a tremendous amount assistance in our corner. But what they cannot give us is that desire to live in God’s love. Each of us has to make that decision to want to have a relationship with God. From that spark, Mary, the angels, and saints of Heaven can turn that spark into a fire of grace, joy, and happiness. Let us remember Mary, Queen of Heaven, is there for us when we pray the Fifth Glorious Mystery of the rosary.
Message, 25. March 2011
Dear children! In a special way today I desire to call you to conversion. As of today, may new life begin in your heart. Children, I desire to see your ‘yes’, and may your life be a joyful living of God’s will at every moment of your life. In a special way today, I bless you with my motherly blessing of peace, love and unity in my heart and in the heart of my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.
What does Mary mean by having a desire to see our yes? Remember, March 25 is the feast day of the Annunciation which we remember when we pray the First Joyful Mystery of the rosary. That was when Mary said yes to God to being the mother of Jesus Christ. The Annunciation marks the start of Jesus’ church on earth with a woman having the courage to say yes to God’s incredible request. And so it is fitting that Mary asks us to commit to conversion. She wants us to step out of our worldly comfort zone and take a chance living for Jesus’ heavenly kingdom. As she says in her other messages, Mary will be there to guide us and comfort us when we do commit to living as God asks. Mary received the ultimate blessing in the Annunciation when she said yes to God. All she desires is to see us receive God’s grace by making the same decision.
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