Sorry for the long absence, but May was a crazy month for me. I didn’t have a lot of time to sit down and write posts and my computer was not readily available. I’m bundling both of Mary‘s messages for May into one posting.
Mary’s message at Medjugorje on May 2, 2010:
“Dear children; Today, through me, the good Father calls you to, with your soul filled with love, set out on a spiritual visitation. Dear children, be filled with grace, sincerely repent for your sins and yearn for the good. Yearn also in the name of those who have not come to know the perfection of the good. You will be more pleasing to God. Thank you.
The phrase, “spiritual visition,” recalls the Second Joyful Mystery of Mary visiting Her cousin, Elizabeth, and sharing the good news. Like the message in the Visitation, Mary asks us to not only live a good and holy life, but to share that holiness with others. She asks us to bring Jesus’ love to those who need it most — “those who have not come to know the perfection of the good.” As I said before, we must remember the “lost souls” in our lives and pray hard that they will come to know the goodness of Jesus Christ and His Church.
Mary’s message at Medjugorje on May 25, 2010:
Dear children! God gave you the grace to live and to defend all the good that is in you and around you, and to inspire others to be better and holier; but Satan, too, does not sleep and through modernism diverts you and leads you to his way. Therefore, little children, in the love for my Immaculate Heart, love God above everything and live His commandments. In this way, your life will have meaning and peace will rule on earth. Thank you for having responded to my call.
This seems very similar to Her May 2nd message. Again, this message not only focuses on each one of us personally living a holy life, but inspiring others to also become better people by embracing Jesus’ message. Why must we do this? Mary says that Satan is also on the prowl trying to bring people down with him into misery and despair. We live in a time where people, even many in the Chuch, don’t like to think about Satan and the idea of absolute evil. But Mary reminds us that we must act and bring people into God’s grace because, if we do not, Satan is always there to fill the void. I will leave you with this thought from Edmund Burke who I think summarizes this idea nicely:
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
I find it very interesting that Mary points to “modernism” as one of Satan’s tool. What exactly does She mean? When I think of modernism, I think of it mainly in terms of rejecting thoughts, teachings, and institutions that are viewed as old and outdated. You will easily find plenty of examples of modernist ideas in the media trying to show that the Catholic Church is an old, outdated institution with rules and practices that have no use in today’s world. But the Church and Her teachings are one of the primary ways Satan is kept in check. God’s grace, though the Church, strengthens people against the powers of the devil. So it makes sense that Satan would embrace any idea that diminishes the power of the Church so that his power and influence will increase. Mary asks us not to forget about the Church and Her teachings, but to love God and keep His commandments. Despite what current modernists would have you believe, we are in more need of the Church today more than ever to combat the increasing influence of Satan and his minions.
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